The Android Phone Available in USA

There are many Android phones available around the world. However many of them have not appeared in North America. In the US and Canada, mobile phones using this OS are mostly closed in contract with special carriers.
Low end and mid-range android phone
Many people see the end-end Android phone but anyone who wants a smart phone on the budget can consider purchasing one of these phones. These phones are from Android 1.0 to Android 1.5
Dream G1 is the first Android operation phone to release. This release was received on October 22, 2008 and is currently not easy to find as a more updated phone, but they are definitely trading on their price range. Dream G1 is a HTC phone that is available on T-Mobile's network.
The Magic My Touch 3G is an Android phone that is also available from HTC. It was initially released in May 2009 and comes with Android 1.5 OS. The carriers that allow this phone to use are T-Mobile, Vodafone and Orange (UK). It is also a low cost smart phone with many smart functions that are considered important in the current model. Like the Dream G1, this phone will pull the Qwerty keyboard.
HTC Hero, powered by SPRIN, has been the most commented on smart phones till now in North America. This HTC sense uses UI architecture, which is labeled as something Android when it was first released in October 2009.
LG Eve is one of the most sought after phones in Canada, due to the extraordinary low cost of service in the present. Canadian Rogers is locked in the mobile device's carrier and many see it as a good thing. While all other smart phones listed with the Android 1.5 operating system are generally one hundred to two hundred dollars with lock-in contracts, this phone is notable that it only gets locked in the version for forty nine dollars for Canadians.
Recently released high end Android phone
Motorola's Droid milestone is one of the most talked about phones in existence. Prior to its release, the surrounding publicity made a great deal of rumor and intrigue. Verizon has closed this special phone through contract and has retained its popularity since November 2009. Dodid is a phone that was able to attack the minds of many people and was able to persuade the people sitting on the fence to buy a smart phone in the first person, due to an interesting ad campaign. Droid was primarily known to be available on any system for the first stock version of Android 2.0. Many people know that this is in Verizon
The Samsung moment on the Sprint Network is considered a solid mid-range phone that currently comes with Android 1.5 architecture. This is included in the high-end section of this information sheet as it has been prepared to upgrade to version 2.0 of Android in the next few months. This would mean that a cheap solution for the smart phone community will be available near the current programming technology.

HTC produced by Eris and was released in November 2009, which is known as the HTC Sense UI architecture, which considers a remarkable side step of many common Android OSs. The operating system version known as the "cupcake" itself is known on this device and it is the most purchased smart phone option for many people in North America. This smart phone is done by Verizon and can be found in most immature electronics stores and all Verizon stores.
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Some people consider Google Nexus One as the current Holy Grail of smart phone technology. This mobile device is manufactured by HTC and was the first cell phone to be released with the Android 2.1 operating system. This meant that technically it was in the forefront of its closest rivals and business partners. As a Google Phone, it is unlocked completely with the option of being locked primarily in contracts, as most of them are included. At present, T-Mobile keeps the device in Vodafone with US and Verizon hopes to join soon, or as well as hopes to improve its pricing plan again.

No matter why smart phone options seem best to people, it is still an important thing to keep in mind. This phone is not bell and whistle, but how and where the owner can use it. 3G connectivity is spotty with many smart phones and the best shopping is not always the lowest price. The best purchase is a phone that can be used often in the area where the owners are primarily living. Fortunately in 2010 many people can be released in North America. Some people are mentioned in at least 50 related companies from different types of companies.

We have been an Android enthusiasts from the very first day. We write with the authority of the subject as any other. We have Android OS and mobile phones working day-to-day, which we do on websites like Nexus

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